April 28 auction:

bid online

Auction Details

3 opportunities to sell your vehicle for the price of one!


First opportunity, your vehicle is offered for sale in an Online Auction on Proxibid.com

Second opportunity, if your vehicle doesn't sell on Proxibid, your vehicle is offered for sale in a Post-Sale Online Auction on Motorious.com.

Third opportunity, if you vehicle doesn't sell on Motorious, our sales team will work with high bidders and other interested parties to sell your vehicle over the next 30 days.


We provide ALL the promotion and customer service of a live auction house at the cost and ease of selling with an online classified or timed event provider. Our website will be a one stop shop providing you everything you need to purchase a vehicle including financing and shipping options … even acquiring the necessary appraisal for insurance. You will have three opportunities to buy with us online.

Have a Question

Our dedicated team is here to help the process of registering to bid or consigning a vehicle as seamless as possible. Please do not hesitate to reach out!